

yes. we made it. PSUMB made it!
i know that nothing's perfect.
and for me, for us(battery), there was a lack of perfection.

but what happened happened and what can i do is trying even harder for the next one.
and the most important thing is
i am really thankful and grateful for what we have achieved.
and i realized that i love this band sooo damn much! sadly i just have one more year until i leave.

i don't have much to say but i want to say SPECIAL THANKS to:
1. BATTERY and PSUMB - thanks for being companion and thanks for the amazing experience. i don't have anything to say, because it's about the feelings and not the words. love you guys ♥♥♥
2. KAK ILHAM - thankyou soooo much for your hardwork, your time and your patience for batterychaps! really. :D
3. Kak Rizky, Kak Andreas and the rest of the team - thankyou soo much for helping us. thankyou soo much for your time and hardwork! :D
4. every-single-person who support PSUMB. we play for you guys and we can never made it without you guys :)

sooo manymore that i want to thanks to. but it's not like i can metion all of them hahaha

this is my last GPMB with PSUMB. and it went great! i can't say it was perfect. because nothing is perfect.




i am done with the talking
i am done with the grumble
i am done with the arguments
i am done with all the emotions

i have to work harder than ever
i have to push over the limit
i have to do what i haven't done
i have to show that WE CAN

talk less, do more, work harder than ever


make the best of life

hidup saya indah tapi berat
hidup saya banyak derita tapi menyenangkan

bingung? saya juga
tapi saya masih tahu cara menikmati hidup di saat terberat sekalipun

walaupun terkadang saya harus hancur untuk bisa bangkit
saya tidak keberatan

karena bagi saya hidup itu ada dua
kadang di atas kadang di bawah

bukan kita yang memegang takdir
bukan kita yang memegang nasib

yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah
berbuat yang sebaik mungkin dari setiap momen dalam kehidupan kita
